Monday, January 21, 2019


·                 Students will hear the passage from John about the Good Shepherd
·                 Students will see a video on a real Shepherd and another on the Good Shepherd
·                 Students will understand that Jesus is our Good Shepherd
HOMEWORK:  Have someone at home read pages 108-109 in the text (ways that we can follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd) and color the picture of Jesus the Good Shepherd.
·                 Children will understand that under no circumstances will the priest ever reveal what is told to him in confession.
·                 Children will review basic concepts.
·                 Children will review and practice going to confession.
·                 Children will become familiar with another Biblical forgiveness story.
HOMEWORK  Ask your parents or another older person to tell you a story about confession, sin or forgiveness in their own life.
·                 Children will learn that Jesus performed many miracles to show that He is Savior of the world.
·                 Children will become familiar with several of the miracles Jesus performed, including healing, nature and feeding miracles.
·                 Children will learn a praise/dance song
HOMEWORK Parents should read pages 83 and 84 to their children.  Children should be able to answer (in their own words) Q78, 79 and 80.
·       Students will hear the story of how Jacob stole Esau’s blessing and how he was tricked when choosing a wife.
·       Students will learn that Jacob changed his name to Israel and that the Israelites were God’s chosen people.
·       Students will understand the importance of a blessing
·       Students will understand that God can turn anything to His purpose and be able to recognize the word Providence
HOMEWORK   Look up Romans 8:28 and discuss with your parents what this verse has to do with the story of Jacob.  [God’s providence.]  Use the words provided on the homework sheet as prompts and write sentences about the people we have studied this week. 
·                 Students will understand that by forgiving sins, Jesus was claiming to be God.
·                 Students will have the opportunity to deepen their appreciation of the Sacrament of Penance.
·                 Students will be familiar with the concept of “near occasion of sin”.
·                 Students will understand that conscience must be informed.
HOMEWORK   - Read Chapter 16.  Do Crossword Puzzle.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


FIRST GRADE – Sacramental Preparation
  • Children will know that Jesus had twelve Apostles.
  • Children will be familiar with the story of Jesus calling the fishermen.
  • Children will understand that Jesus calls each of us to love and serve Him in a special way.
  • Children will learn a song about our call, with hand motions.
HOMEWORK:  Children and their parents should complete the Jesus Calls Apostles worksheet.

·       Children will know that special signs (things we see) and special words (things we hear) are associated with all Sacraments.
·       Children will recognize “I absolve you from your sins” as the special words associated with forgiveness and understand that the gesture the priest makes holding his hands over, or touching, the penitent’s head, is a special sign of forgiveness.
·       Children will have the opportunity to visit the reconciliation rooms, and the confessionals.
·       Children will become familiar with the story of the Forgiving Father (Prodigal Son).
HOMEWORK:  Complete the “Fill in the blank” activity with your parents.  Parents – you may want to take your child to visit the Reconciliation Rooms in church; we cannot do it during class due to Mass!
·    Students will have a chance to learn what sort of boyhood Jesus might have had.
·  Students will recognize that Jesus had a “hidden life” until age 30 and that they have a “hidden life” right now.
·  Students will understand that God knows everything they do and nothing is hidden from him.
·  Students will think about ways that they can imitate Jesus.
·  Students will be presented with the story of Jesus’ baptism and relate it to their own baptism (homework/Mass)
HOMEWORK  Parents and children should read Chapter 16, particularly page 80 (which we didn’t cover in class).  Children should know the answers to the three questions on page 81.  Imitate Jesus this week by being generous. 

·       Students will hear the story of Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah.
·       Students will hear the story of how Esau sold Jacob his birthright for a bowl of stew.
·       Students will understand what a birthright is.
·       Students will understand how serious it is to swear before God
HOMEWORK  Do the take-home exam and show it to your parents.

·       Students will recognize Jesus as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity
·       Students will know that Jesus is True God and True Man
·       Students will be able to define “miracle” and distinguish a miracle from magic and coincidence
·       Students will recognize that Jesus performed four different kinds of miracles and will explore what each says about God.
·       Students will use the Bible to explore a number of Jesus’ miracles and discuss what these miracles say to us.
HOMEWORK   Challenging this week! Work with family members to complete the back of the worksheet.  A treat for those with completed homework.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


                  Children will be able to articulate that God is the father of Jesus and that St. Joseph is Jesus’ foster father.
                  Children will understand that the term “Holy Family” refers to Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
                  Children will imagine how the member of the Holy Family treated one another with love.
                  Children will think how they can contribute to making their own family holy.
                  Children will recognize that our parish can also be considered a family and our home a little church.
HOMEWORK : Read Chapter 11 (Pages 45-47)  Children may color the picture of the Holy Family.  Ask them about who comprises the “Holy Family” and how your family can be holy, too.

                  Children will know that the Holy Spirit can help us see ourselves clearly.
                  Students will learn the term “Examination of Conscience” and will know that these are questions we ask ourselves about how loving we have been.
                  Students will know that the Holy Spirit can help us get the answers to these questions.
                  Students will receive the Receiving God’s Peace booklets, and look briefly at the Examination of Conscience.
                  Children will think about ways the Holy Spirit can help us be loving people.
HOMEWORK   Complete the worksheet.  Practice doing a daily Examination of Conscience each night before you go to sleep.  Parents – Read Chapter 18 to your children. 

                  Students will learn that our bodies are holy, temples of the Holy Spirit
                  Students will learn that the 6th and 9th commandments tell us to respect our bodies and those of others in thought and deed
                  Students will learn that we must respect the belongings of others (the 7th and 10th Commandments) in thought and deed
                  Students will learn that they must respect the truth (the 8th Commandment) 
HOMEWORK:  With your parents, read over Chapter 12 in the text. 

                  Students will review the story of Abraham
                  Students will put together a short play of the story
                  Students will recognize that a covenant has two parts – God’s part and ours
                  Students will further explore the idea of types.
HOMEWORK  have your parents help you complete the “God’s Gift: Free Will” worksheet.  Use the story in the textbook to help you.        

                  Students will know that Jesus’ public life began when he was around 30 years old, that until that time he lived a hidden life as a carpenter in Nazareth.
                  Students will know that Jesus was tempted in the desert.
                  Students will know that Jesus had many apostles and twelve disciples.
                  Students will be able to explain what a parable is.
                  Students will know that Jesus taught by telling parables.
                  Students will become familiar with a number of parables.
HOMEWORK  Look at Questions 66-70 on page 65.  Be prepared to describe the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, mentioning His baptism, Temptation, the calling of disciples, and his preaching.  Be able to do this in the form of a little speech without notes. (One minute or less should do it!)  (For Renaud/Knuth's class; for Kitching/Ade just do the reading!)

Saturday, December 29, 2018


FIRST GRADE (Sacramental Year One)
·                 Children will become thoroughly familiar with the Christmas story.
·                 Children will have practice relating parts of the Christmas story and using the vocabulary (stable, manger, Bethlehem, etc.).
·                 Children will have the opportunity to discern secular symbols of the holiday from religious symbols.
·                 Children will make a bracelet that will help them retell the story at home.
HOMEWORK:  Do pages 64-65 in the textbook.  Do the worksheet with someone at home and return it after Christmas break.

·                 Children will have the opportunity to review the Christmas story through story and music.
·                 Children will make Christmas cards for the homebound.
HOMEWORK – Enjoy the break! 

·                 Students will review the Nativity Story
·                   Students will do an activity to review the facts of the Nativity Story
·                   Students will play a review game
HOMEWORK –Discuss with your parents the gifts you can give Jesus.  Write them in the proper places on the card.

·       Students will recognize prayer as the chief way we can know and love God.
·       The class will look at various ways to pray.
·       Students will join in praying several decades of the Rosary.
·       Students will have an experience of meditation on Scripture.
HOMEWORK:  Worksheet on prayer.  Practice this week praying each day    using all parts of the ACTS process.  Give each child a rosary kit to take home.

·       Students will recognize the title “Redeemer” as relating to Jesus, and Redemption as relating to his offering Himself for us.
·       Students will be able to explain the word “Incarnation”
·       Students will know that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to present him in the Temple, something we call the “Presentation”
·       Students will play a game to review basic information and vocabulary related to Mary
HOMEWORK   Read in the text, pages 59-61.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


FIRST GRADE (Sacramental Preparation One)
·                  Children will become thoroughly familiar with the Annunciation.
·                 Children will recognize Gabriel as an angel and God’s Messenger
·                 Children will identify Joseph as Jesus’ foster-father.
·                 Children will have an opportunity to consider how they can say “yes” to God. 
HOMEWORK: Parents – read Chapter 9 with your child.  Have your child explain the Triptych.  Display it in your home this week.  Do the “Picture Story” with your children.

·       Children will have practice evaluating whether actions are sins, temptations or accidents.
·       Children will be introduced to the idea of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
·       Other terms for the sacrament will be presented – Confession, Penance along with the concept of absolution
HOMEWORK:   Parents – Do the Steps to Peace activity with your children.  Suggested answers are provided for you!  Help your child work on memorizing the Act of Contrition. 

·    Students will look up and read the Fourth Commandment
·    Students will explore the concept of “Honor”
·    Students will make specific plans to practice honoring their parents this week
·    Students will understand the Holy Family is a model family
·    Students will make a little crèche to set up at home.
HOMEWORK Finish your crèche set and set it up.  For now only add the  animals and the empty manger to the stable.  On Christmas Eve add Mary and Joseph.  On Christmas day, baby Jesus, and on Epiphany the Wise Men and their camel. 2)  Remember your “honor” cards!  Tell your parents about some good advice and guidance they have given you – and thank them.  3) Read Chapter 11 in the book with your parents and discuss it.  

·       Children will be familiar with how to go to confession.
·       Children will have visited the confessionals if they are unfamiliar with them.
·       Children will recognize the necessity of doing a penance.
·       Children will understand the seal of confession.
HOMEWORK:  Go to confession!!!

·       Every student will be able to relate the Nativity story.
·       Students will know that stories of Jesus’ birth occur only in Matthew and Luke.
·       Students will compare the Nativity presentations in the two Gospels.
·       Students will do drawings of the Nativity as represented in one or the other Gospel.
HOMEWORK:  Finish the worksheet.